Case study: Operations Thrive as Leaders-in-Charge Increase their Executive Intelligence
Barry Zweibel
Barry Zweibel Client Satisfaction Guarantee

Auto claims processing division of a major full-service insurance provider


High-potential leaders were identified as needing to accelerate their growth and development so they could have a more positive and powerful impact up, down, and across their organizations sooner than their trajectory indicated they would.


Each leader was coached, 1-on-1, for six months, focusing, specifically on improving their understanding of, and work within, the three contexts of Executive Intelligence:

1. Accomplishing Tasks
2. Working With and through Other People
3. Recognizing Your Impact, Taking Responsibility for It, and Modifying Your Behaviors Accordingly

Additional elements of the engagement included: by phone and in-person coaching/mentoring; shadowing; 360°- and a battery of self-assessments; role-playing; and an unmitigated focus on driving key business results.


Each leader was recognized by supervisors, downstream employees, customers and vendors, and friends and families, for marked improvements in their leadership style and impact; all operational metric goals were met or exceeded; employee morale and productivity improved; customer/vendor satisfaction ratings improved; and it became "significantly easier to do better work."