Mr. Kee is an expert on nuclear power economics. He is the founder and principal consultant at Nuclear Economics Consulting Group (NECG) and is also an Affiliated Expert at NERA Economic Consulting.
Mr. Kee provides strategic and economic advice to companies and governments on nuclear power and electricity industry issues. He has testified as an expert witness in US and international legal and arbitration cases.
Prior to starting NECG, Mr. Kee held senior consulting positions at NERA Economic Consulting, CRA International, PA Consulting Group, Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett, and McKinsey & Company. He was a merchant power plant developer and a nuclear power plant engineer (qualified as chief engineering officer on Nimitz-class nuclear aircraft Read more
Mr. Kee is an expert on nuclear power economics. He is the founder and principal consultant at Nuclear Economics Consulting Group (NECG) and is also an Affiliated Expert at NERA Economic Consulting.
Mr. Kee provides strategic and economic advice to companies and governments on nuclear power and electricity industry issues. He has testified as an expert witness in US and international legal and arbitration cases.
Prior to starting NECG, Mr. Kee held senior consulting positions at NERA Economic Consulting, CRA International, PA Consulting Group, Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett, and McKinsey & Company. He was a merchant power plant developer and a nuclear power plant engineer (qualified as chief engineering officer on Nimitz-class nuclear aircraft carriers) before becoming a consultant.
Mr. Kee has authored numerous articles on nuclear power and the electricity industry in publications including World Nuclear News, Nuclear Engineering International, ANS Nuclear News, Nuclear Power International, The Electricity Journal, and Public Utilities Fortnightly.
Mr. Kee holds an MBA from Harvard University and a BS in Systems Engineering (Distinction; Trident Scholar; Colt’s Award) from the US Naval Academy.