
Professional summary

I have been a Research Scientist for most of my working life, most recently with Abbott in the Chicago area for 15 years where I was in the Diagnostics Division and helped develop and trouble-shoot automated tests for Chagas' disease, Hepatitis, cancer, and developed some of the first mass spectrometric methods to detect pathogenic bacteria. For the past eleven years I have been a consultant in these areas and in biotechnology, in individual practice, or in collaboration with my colleague Dr. Kiu Leung.

I received my Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in Immunochemistry and then worked three years in New York City at Rockefeller University while I was a Post-doctoral Fellow of the American Cancer Society. Subseqeuntly I was a Research

Engagement overview

Phone discussions and provision of data and  material on-line. Software analysis and numerical evaluation if necessary.


Fortune 500 diagnostics and pharmaceutical companies through GLG Councils.
W. Lucas Simons, Senior Managing Partner, UBS Healthcare Investment Banking, Nashville TN