
Professional summary

Early adopter with Agile frameworks. Experience with Scrum since 2002. Experience with Kanban and Lean, successfully introducing agile frameworks into a previously traditional project management let organization.

Past work as Scrum Master, Agile Coach, and agile transformation lead in a Financial Services organization. Introduced internal company agile conference that has grown to an annual event attended by multiple offices across the country with sessions provided by internationally known agile experts.

Agile certifications by multiple certifying organizations (Scrum Alliance,, PMI), including advanced and Expert certifications.

Bachelor of Science degree in from the University of California at Davis (1979). Current

Engagement overview

As the Principal Agile Consultant at Aurora Agility LLC, provide leadership consulting and share expertise in adopting and execution of Agile including Scrum.  Provide training in Agile and the Scrum Framework to companies and individuals seeking Scrum Master and Agile Expert certifications.


• Financial Services