
Professional summary

Dr. Tim Smith is the founder and Managing Principal of Wiglaf Pricing. He has worked with executives from start-ups and Fortune 500 companies to capture the profit impact of getting the price right, and improve pricing confidence.

Companies consult Dr. Smith to define the price of a new product, find a better way of managing price variances (discounts and sales promotions), or re-think their entire pricing structure. He helps them address these critical questions, in the face of high uncertainty, by using proven best practices informed by solid academic research. He provides productized and actionable consulting services for firms of many sizes and across many industries.

He has been a keynote speaker and workshop leader on a variety

Engagement overview

Pricing advise and pricing organization support for corporate improvement


• Corning
• Dun and Bradstreet
• Overhead Door
• Labelmaster
• Intralinks
• Symantec
• Intel
• Stryker
• Code 3
• CA Technologies
• Vertellus
• Proto Labs
• American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
• American College of Surgeons
• National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing & Care Industry, Emerson
• HB Fuller
• Rio Tinto
• Pacific Cycle


On raising prices, the first issue is why? Are your prices too low in comparison to the competitors? Have you improved your value proposition and need to adjust prices to reflect your new position? Have input costs risen forcing an overdue price increase? Or, are you just keeping up with the Jones’s and following inflation. All of these can drive a price increase.
In increasing your pric... Read more

This is an area where workout team meetings to drive alignment are needed. Figure that different managers have different perspectives regarding their needs.

(1) Choose a subset of metrics related to a few departments.
(2) Create a strawman of overall metrics that are cross functional while leaving single functional metrics to the independent departments.
(3) Go through these decisions w... Read more