
Professional summary

What do a manufacturer, a retailer, a builder and software company owner all have in common? The insight, experience and wisdom to help each other achieve their personal and company vision.

TAB’s Business Owner Advisory Boards offer a purposeful diversity of industry perspectives from among non-competing companies. Sometimes, a challenge in one industry has been solved in another. No theories—just practical, real-world, tried and tested solutions and invaluable hands-on experience.

TAB works with successful business owners who feel that their current practices are not elevating their businesses to the next level. We bring together CEOs, owners and presidents of non-competing companies to meet in groups of 6 – 10 members for one

Engagement overview

Engagements range from $300/hr to coach business owners or key personnel each month (creating and executing a customized plan to achieve strategic goals) to complex projects paid based upon a percent of business value created. Projects are structured with low investment and lead-time to produce high ROI results with short payback periods.


Industries: automotive, optics, consumer goods, food & beverage, computer technologies
Cultures and company sizes range from large corporate environments (General Motors, Bausch & Lomb, Valeo, ITT, Nortel, LiDestri) to small family run businesses
Functional expertise: Marketing, Sales, Operations, Supply Chain, Finance, HR, IT, Strategic Planning, Project Management Office, Lean