Clients yearn for a fast, direct path to their next career. They hope that career assessments will be their one-step, one-stop solution. Having worked with a large range of assessments over the years, I sure wish assessments were that magic pill.
The best assessments I’ve seen are useful in identifying work strengths and weaknesses. In my experience, depending on a career assessment for reliable career recommendations just doesn't work. The reason for this is that career assessments are designed for Joe Average, they're not specific enough for your individual skills, qualities, strengths, values and needs.
Let me spell this out a little more. Let’s say a career assessment says you’d make a great airline pilot. Trouble is, that assessment doesn’t factor in the current state of the airline industry. It won't factor in such things as airline politics, unions, packed planes, the pressure of today's increased flying schedules and your personal energy level.
I’ve found that what works best during career transition is a careful selection of specific assessments combined with individual coaching tailored to you as a one-of-a-kind individual. I’ve seen many clients come in after having followed career assessment recommendations and having wound up with a career that made them miserable.
Don’t let this happen to you. Assessments aren’t a substitute for individual, custom career coaching. You're not one-size-fits-all and neither is your career. Read Full Post