Question: What is the best way to communicate with a person who pushes boundaries?

I supervise someone who has continually tried to be in charge despite the fact that he is under my supervision.

He thrives on recognition and I would say we have a decent working relationship.

The problem is that he has also shared information with others in the company, information that I should be learning first from him, rather than over hearing it during a casual meeting/setting.

Information that I should be delivering to the rest of my crew, the data that he is sharing are mainly accomplishments or good numbers/ reviews we have acquired.

I have several instances in which this crew member has spoken out of turn and I do not know how to address the sharing of information, since he thinks that because the reports get to him, he should be doing it.

3 Expert Insights

My curiosity is about what you have already attempted in this scenario?  Obviously some kind of conversation needs to happen or if happened, didn't do what was wanted.

The question isn't so much about boundaries as it is about fulfilling job description. If it's in his job description to report that info to you first then he is not doing his job, which makes it a performance issue.

If he thinks he is not under your supervision then it's also a performance issue.

However with this scenario I would say I don't have sufficient information into what's actually happening beyond the idea that you're upset at being pre-empted in the chain of communication.

My only recommendation is to have what might appear to be a difficult conversation and simply let him know what the proper channels are and then if he continues to violate that, what the consequences will be.

Sounds to me you need to have a conversation with this individual to sort out why he is doing what he is doing and also why are you reacting the way you do. I have found the book "Crucial Conversations" to be very helpful in better understanding what needs to be done so such behavior stops. In my experience this behavior will not stop on it's own and worse, you will continue feeling bad about it.
If you read the book I am recommending you will find helpful answers.

1. Put yourself in a neutral place, free yourself of judgments.
2. Have a conversation with this person where you're asking lots of open-ended questions around how they perceive their job and how they manage information. Your job is to discover what makes them tick.
3. Move into observation.
4. Take proactive steps, based on what you learn from your conversation with them.

If you'd like more specific coaching in this area, contact me. this is my training, see